Shinning shoes today dedicated to oldmanlincoln and George Townboy! (See yesterdays comments)
Abby you are an inspiration to me. Had no idea that the shoes were so interesting here! I shall never forget that and I shall give more attention to the shoe stores from now on. You will see!!
I'm so excited to see what's in style over there. I'll be lightyears ahead of everyone in the US!
Muito bonita esta foto! Lindo o piso de pedras! Abby e George vão ficar muito honrados com essa homenagem!
This is so cool!!! THANK YOU!!! I am honored! Beijinho!!
I'll put the captions on the shoe shiner and the customer:
Shoe shiner: "Look at the CUTE PHOTOGRAPHER!!"
Customer: "Why, that's UMA POR DIA!! She's everywhere!!"
Awesome photo TOO!!! I got so excited, I almost forgot to tell you, lol.
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